What Sponsorship IS and ISN'T…

We've posted about sponsorships several times and we have information on our website, but let's be honest not everyone takes time to go hunt down all that info. I thought it would be helpful if I made a quick list of what sponsorship is and isn't. This list goes for either a child attending Mercy Christian Academy or a child living at Mercy Children's Home. Obviously there are some differences between the two, but it is the same general idea.

Sponsorship IS...

•a commitment to help cover the cost of a specific child (school or general life expenses) that you choose.

•a way to get to know a child here better.

•giving you the opportunity to come and meet that child. It is time to get over the idea that it is too expensive (tickets start at $850 round trip) or too far away (it is far, but we are on the same planet;) meeting them face to face is possible.

•tax deductible.

•helping change the life of a child.

•a way to live out part of James 1:27.

•helpful in being able to hire more staff, the more sponsorships we have the better we can care for the children.

•a benefit to our community by allowing us to offer steady employment.

•a way to help have a bigger impact here in Kenya.


Sponsorship is not...

•paying an American's salary...none of us are paid and we are okay with that.

•making my life better, I will, for the foreseeable future be asking for money to complete projects, keep projects going, and to start new ones. 😂

•meant to be a burden.

•only a blessing to the child, it is also a blessing to everyone involved with Mercy Ministries, including you hopefully.

Setting up a monthly sponsorship is fairly quick and easy. $25 a month provides a Christian education, all books, all supplies, 2 meals, and a snack each school day. We also assist with some basic medical care for our students as needed. $50 a month will help support a child living in our home. This includes food, clothing, bedding and basic medical care in a Christian family environment. Many of the children living at Mercy Home also attend Mercy Christian Academy so you will see them on both pages, the home sponsorship doesn't actually cover their needs 100% so we need them sponsored in both places. You can communicate with the child you sponsor if you would like, I'm sure our kiddos would love to write a letter to someone. If you have any questions or need help setting up a sponsorship you can ask Jeff or I!

Stephanie BysComment