More Bys (BEESE) Family adventures!

Quick update!

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We ran into town today to finish our unfinished errands from yesterday, but Jeff was feeling terrible. I decided we should go have blood work done "real quick" and see why he felt so bad. Turns out he has malaria, so he got 1 injection and oral meds and he is already feeling a little better๐Ÿ’œ. We had another issue at school today with 2 of our boys ๐Ÿ˜ญ. I just don't understand the Kenyan way of "disciplining", please pray that we can get to the bottom of it in a peaceful manner. I'm pretty much full on "Mama bear" right now and that isn't peaceful. This week is packed full...I'm not sure why it is so busy, but it seems like we have a meeting of some sort each day and multiple meetings some days. I was able to get Jeff some probiotics, I hope they are good and help rebuild his good fit bacteria. Here's a picture of our "Zekey Boy" in big boy clothes that use to be Reed's when we first moved to Kenya! I swear he is such a happy baby, but he refused to smile for me! Thanks for all of your prayers!
#aboutfacemissions #mercychildrenshome #james127 #kenya #bungoma#orphans #theleastofthese #thankyou #nonprofit


Happy birthday to our 15 year-old twins!

These two are quite close and decided that they were twins! Dan, like many of our kids, didn't know his birthday. So when we let him choose one, he chose the same day as Karson's. They picked supper together tonight; goat stew with rice. They also designed their bright red cake with sprinkles. โค๏ธ


Dan has lived with us for over a year now! He's doing pretty good. He's at the top of his class and is a natural leader. We have definitely gone through trials with Dan as well, but that is to be expected with all he has been through. Dan is a tough case. He doesn't know his family and he had been living on the streets for as long as he could remember. He has been through some tough stuff. We thank God for bringing us to Dan, and if we were unable to help any other orphans, just helping Dan and giving him a chance would have been worth everything we have been through. We love Dan and we thank God for him.

And wow! Just like that, Karson is 15! He was one of our most challenging children for about 8 years, but now he just amazes us with his maturity! He's a large part of our mission here in Kenya. We can give him a task and he will see it through. He can corral the boys, direct others in what they should be doing, he is my protector (and translator) when Jeff isn't able to be with me and he takes that job seriously, and he can divide the kids and organize a football (soccer) game. I'm surprised at what a strong leader he is and how he actually listens when we speak ๐Ÿ˜‚. If you knew Karson 2+ years ago, he is a different person now. He has grown so much, and I don't just mean his height! (He is now taller than me and his father, haha) He is now counting down the days until he is 16 and can drive a motorbike. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
#aboutfacemissions #mercychildrenshome #kenya #bungoma #nonprofit#james127 #orphans #blessed #changingtheirstory
